Beer line cleaning safety awareness rules provided by Draftec Beer Line Cleaner.

Awareness of beer line cleaning safety risks is extremely important for anyone charged with cleaning beer lines so that they carry out the procedure correctly and safely in order to avoid injury.

Let it first be said that the most common contributing factors to incidents experienced while cleaning beer lines are workers not wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) or misunderstanding the potential dangers of working with beer line cleaning chemicals. Remember, all beer line cleaners are potentially dangerous when not used correctly.

A free sample of Draftec's beer line cleaner is available for professional line cleaners and beer distributors. To request a sample, please email us at or call us at (888) 226-8228.

Draftec Beer Line Cleaning Power of 10 Safety Guidelines:

  1. Ensure the beer line cleaning system is not leaking and has the expected integrity. Do not attempt cleaning the beer lines if there is a leak in the beer lines.

  2. Make sure to use Draftec beer line cleaner is at the correct concentration. It is specifically formulated to work properly when used at the recommended concentration. If the beer line cleaner is used below the recommended concentration, it will not clean the line correctly. If the beer line cleaner is used above the recommended concentration it will expose people to unnecessary danger.

  3. Ensure the handling and storage of Draftec beer line cleaner is in accordance with Draftec recommendations and the instructions provided on the safety data sheet (SDS).

  4. When handling Draftec beer line cleaner wear PPE such as long sleeves and long pants, enclosed shoes, aprons, gloves, eyewear or face shields.

  5. Have appropriate first aid equipment/kits on site.

  6. Avoid working alone while cleaning beer lines.

  7. Have easy access to eyewash or shower facilities.

  8. Ensure emergency contact numbers are available and clearly marked.

  9. If an incident occurs, make sure to follow the first aid instructions listed in the safety data sheet (SDS) and contact emergency services to seek further first aid advice.

  10. Put up warning/safety signs. Remove beer tap during the cleaning process to prevent unintentional use.

A free sample of Draftec's beer line cleaner is available for professional line cleaners and beer distributors. To request a sample, please email us at or call us at (888) 226-8228.